


尹存宏(四川武胜人) 博士/博士后



   Email: chyin@gzu.edu.cn; ychforever@163.com





主持国家自然科学基金、博士后面上基金、贵州省自然科学基金、贵州省高校教育改革项目、教育部重点实验室开放基金、贵阳市科技公关等8项项目。相关研究成果发表在《Acta Materialia》、《Composites Part B: Engineering》、《Material and Design》、《Applied Surface Science》、《International Journal of Fatigue》、《Additive Manufacturing 》、《Journal of Materials Research and Technology》等SCI期刊上并出任部分期刊审稿人。受聘于贵阳市知识产权局,担任专业技术、知识产权项目评审专家,担任中科院一区SCI期刊《Rare Metals》期刊青年编委。在国际权威一区top期刊上发表SCI论文5篇,其它SCI期刊发表论文20余篇,出版学术专著一部,授权发明专利3项,正在申请3项。




[1] Yin C. H., Yang C., Wu Y. Z., Liang Y. L., Zhu Z. L.Synergistic effect of cementite amorphization and oxidation on forming a nanocomposite self-lubricating surface during sliding[J].Composites Part B: Engineering,2022, 236.(一区SCI:影响因子13.1

[2] Yin C. H., Liang Y. L., Liang Y., Li W., Yang M.Formation of a self-lubricating layer by oxidation and solid-state amorphization of nano-lamellar microstructures during dry sliding wear tests[J].ACTA MATERIALIA,2019, 166: 208-220.(一区SCI:影响因子9.209

[3]Yin C. H., Qin X. M., Li S. B., Liang Y. L., Jiang Y., Sun H.Amorphization induced by deformation at ferrite-cementite nanointerfaces in a tribolayer and its effect on self-lubricating[J].MATERIALS & DESIGN,2020, 192.(一区SCI:影响因子9.417

[4] Yin C. H., Liang Y. L., Jiang Y., Yang M., Long S. L.Formation of nano-laminated structures in a dry sliding wear-induced layer under different wear mechanisms of 20CrNi2Mo steel[J].APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2017, 423: 305-313.(一区SCI:影响因子7.392

[5]Cunhong Yin, Hua Huang, Jiaqing Qin, Baochao Zheng, Xulong An, Yanliang Yi.Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of thermomechanical processed (CoNiCr0.5)95AlxTiy high-entropy alloys[J].Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2023, 25: 1761-1773.(一区SCI:影响因子6.4

[6] Cao Y. G., Yin C. H., Liang Y. L., Tang S. H.Lowering the coefficient of martensite steel by forming a self-lubricating layer in dry sliding wear[J].MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS,2019, 6 (5).

[7] Shen M. M., Zhu Z. L., Li S. B., Yin C. H., Yang J., Zhang A. S.Deep learning assisted prediction of retained austenite in the carburized layer for evaluating the wear resistance of mild steel[J].JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T,2022, 21: 353-362.

[8] Chen M. F., Wu J. Z., Yin C. H., Zhang D. B., Lin B. L., Chen Y. K., Jin G. Y.Three-dimensional vibration analysis of rotating pre-twisted variable thickness blades composed of spanwise graded functional materials[J].COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2023, 312.

[9] Wu Y. Z., Liang Y. L., Yin C. H., Zhang F. T., Chen B. L., Yang S. Y., Shang X. C., Zou J. H.Analysis of factors affecting the wear failure of an aeroengine spline pair and evolution mechanism of the tribolayer[J].ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS,2023, 146.

[10] Zhu Z. L., Liang Y. L., Yin C. H., Ren X. L., Yang M., Zou J. H.Influence of friction-induced retained austenite transformation to martensite on the wear properties of a carburized layer of 23CrNi3MoA steel[J].APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2022, 595.

[11] Jiang Y., Liang Y. L., Yin C. H., Long S. L., Zhao F., Xiao Y.Influence of multiphase on the strain hardening behavior of 60Si2CrVAT spring steel treated by a Q-P-T process[J].JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2018, 53 (14): 10396-10410.

[12] Li G. M., Liang Y. L., Yin C. H., Sun H., Zhu Z. L.Study of M50NiL steel under carburizing and nitriding duplex treatment[J].SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2019, 375: 132-142.

地址:贵州大学西校区机械工程学院  |  电话:0851-83627516  |  邮箱:me@gzu.edu.cn
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